National Meter Reading Day

March 31st, 2022


Thursday 31 March is unofficially National Meter Reading Day.

The price cap has been introduced since this post was published. Find out more HERE.

From tomorrow (Friday 1 April), the energy unit price cap increases by 54%, which will cause fuel bills to increase dramatically for those on standard tariffs.

Submitting meter readings today ensures you will not pay for more energy than you have to at the increased rate. This cannot be guaranteed with estimated readings.

  • Citizens Advice Scotland offers some guidance on how to read your meter.
  • Most suppliers allow you to submit readings through their app or website. This is the quickest way. Some suppliers’ websites have struggled today with the amount of traffic – check their social media accounts for updates.
  • If you have a smart meter that sends accurate daily readings to your supplier, you do not need to submit readings.
  • Take a photo of your meter readings with the meter’s serial number visible. Photos taken on a mobile device will be timestamped, but you can send the pictures to yourself via email which will verify the date. Having photographic evidence might prove useful if you have issues sending your readings, or if you have any disputes with your supplier.
  • It’s good practice to submit regular meter readings to your supplier to ensure you’re not paying more than you need to. Or less, and building up debt.

If you need any further support, please get in touch with our home energy advice team via freephone 0808 129 0888, or Home Energy Scotland – a national service delivered by Scarf in the North East – on freephone 0808 808 2282.