Home Energy Scotland is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered by the Energy Saving Trust.
Scarf operates Home Energy Scotland in the north east under contract to the Energy Saving Trust.
Home Energy Scotland provides free, impartial advice on making your home warmer, more affordable and greener. Whatever a person’s circumstances and wherever they live in Scotland, Home Energy Scotland can help them.
Well over half of what people spend on fuel bills goes on heating and hot water. As energy costs go up, it’s even more important to get bills down, particularly for the vulnerable and those on low incomes.
Advisors from HES can also provide advice at events and information
sessions, including Presentations, Workshops and Q&As.
For free, impartial advice call 0808 808 2282 or visit www.homeenergyscotland.org
Advice is available for householders across Scotland, as well as communities, landlords and businesses.
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